Supply of Handwash Station (Q3) Digital Slate (Q3) School Bags (Q3) White Board (Q3) Vajankata (Q3) Mind Game Set (Q3) Savitribai Phule Photo Frame (Q3) at Ahmednagar, Maharashtra

Tender Detail

Reference Number : GEM/2023/B/3548121
Tender Source :
State : Maharashtra
City : Ahmednagar
Type : Open
Category : Goods
Description : Bid Offer Validity : 30 (Days) Evaluation Method : Total Value Wise Evaluation Minimum Avg Turnover : 2 Lakh (S) Mse Exceptions For Years Of Experience : No Quantity : 106

Important Dates

Bid Submission Start Date : June 10, 2023, 12:21 p.m.
Bid Submission End Date : June 20, 2023, 1 p.m.
Published on : June 10, 2023, 12:21 p.m.
Bid Open Date : June 20, 2023, 1:30 p.m.

Organisation Data

Organisation Name : Zilla Parishad
Organisation Sector : Development
Department : Zilla Parishad
Organisation Name * : Zilla Parishad
Organisation Type * : STATE
Organisation Parent * : Zilla Parishad
Address : 414603,Panaswadi


  • GeM-Bidding-4875989.pdf

  • Document Data

    Department Name : Ahmednagar Zilla Parishad, Maharashtra
    Office Name : Newasa
    Ministry State Name : Maharashtra
    Organisation Name : N/a
    Item Category : Handwash Station (Q3) , Digital Slate (Q3) , School Bags (Q3) , White Board (Q3) , Vajankata (Q3) , Mind Game Set (Q3) , Savitribai Phule Photo Frame (Q3)
    Total Quantity : 106
    Primary Product Category : Mind Game Set

    Other Document Data

    Bid Offer Validity : 30 (Days)
    Time Allowed For Technical Clarifications During Technical Evaluation : 2 Days
    Evaluation Method : Total Value Wise Evaluation
    Inspection Required By Empanelled Inspection Authority Agencies Pre Registered With Gem : No

    Prequalification Data

    Startup Exemption For Years Of Experience And Turnover : No
    Mse Exemption For Years Of Experience And Turnover : No
    Document Required From Seller : Experience Criteria,Bidder Turnover,Certificate (Requested in ATC),Additional Doc 1 (Requested in ATC),Compliance of BoQ specification and supporting document *In case any bidder is seeking exemption from Experience / Turnover Criteria, the supporting documents to prove his eligibility for exemption must be uploaded for evaluation by the buyer
    Years Of Past Experience Required For Same Similar Service : 1 Year (s)
    Minimum Average Annual Turnover Of The Bidder For 3 Years : 2 Lakh (s)
    Bid To Ra Enabled : No

    * denotes processed/normalized values by our data processing