Supply of PVC Insulated Copper Cable Single and Multi - Core Circular Sheathed Cable with Flexible Conductor (V2) as per IS 694 (Q2) at Kota, Rajasthan

Tender Detail

Reference Number : GEM/2023/B/4061822
Tender Source :
State : Rajasthan
City : Kota
Type : Open
Category : Goods
Description : Bid Offer Validity : 180 (Days) Evaluation Method : Item Wise Evaluation Mse Exceptions For Years Of Experience : No Quantity : 9000

Important Dates

Bid Submission Start Date : Dec. 6, 2023, 11:06 a.m.
Bid Submission End Date : Dec. 27, 2023, 10 a.m.
Published on : Dec. 6, 2023, 11:06 a.m.
Bid Open Date : Dec. 27, 2023, 10:30 a.m.

Organisation Data

Organisation Name : Nuclear Power Corporation Of India Limited
Organisation Sector : Energy
Department : Department Of Atomic Energy
Organisation Name * : Nuclear Power Corporation Of India Limited
Organisation Type * : PSU
Organisation Authority * : Central
Organisation Parent * : Nuclear Power Corporation Of India Limited
Organisation Abbreviation * : NPCIL
Organisation Synonyms * : Npc Limtied, Npc, Nuclear Power Corporation
Address : 323303,Contracts & Material Management, Npcil, Rawatbhata Rajasthan Site, Anushakti Via-Kota (Rajasthan) Phone No. 01475-242002, 242048 Which Is About 60 Kms. Away From Kota.


  • GeM-Bidding-5435122.pdf

  • Document Data

    Department Name : Department Of Atomic Energy
    Office Name : Rajasthan
    Ministry State Name : Pmo
    Organisation Name : Nuclear Power Corporation Of India Limited
    Item Category : PVC Insulated Copper Cable Single and Multi - Core Circular Sheathed Cable with Flexible Conductor (V2) as per IS 694 (Q2)
    Total Quantity : 9000
    Primary Product Category : PVC Insulated Copper Cable Single and Multi - Core Circular Sheathed Cable with Flexible Conductor (V2) as per IS 694

    Other Document Data

    Bid Offer Validity : 180 (Days)
    Time Allowed For Technical Clarifications During Technical Evaluation : 7 Days
    Evaluation Method : Item Wise Evaluation
    Inspection Required By Empanelled Inspection Authority Agencies Pre Registered With Gem : No

    Prequalification Data

    Startup Exemption For Years Of Experience And Turnover : No
    Mse Exemption For Years Of Experience And Turnover : No
    Bid To Ra Enabled : No

    * denotes processed/normalized values by our data processing